Fake Folder Clone Crack With Activator

Fake Folder Clone is a small piece of software that helps you protect folders by making them system directories.

The interface of the program is outdated, resembling the classical design adopted in the Windows ’98 and ’95 operating systems. In addition to that, the UI is minimal and therefore, any type of user is going to be able to protect sensitive information, regardless of their previous experience with the IT world.

Download Fake Folder Clone Crack

Software company
Rank 3.6
1227 3.6
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 11593
Systems Win All

The main window displays all the actions available in the application, such as browsing for a folder, a box for inputting the chosen password, and two buttons that enable you to protect an item and remove its protection status.

When this software utility safeguards a folder, it transforms it into a system directory, namely the Recycle Bin. This means the item is going to behave exactly like the trash container, and all the usual actions are available, such as emptying its contents or restoring all files or just selected ones. Even the icon is similar.

After processing a folder, Fake Folder Clone Keygen displays a message informing you if the operation was successful or not.

You should also know this application does not require installation, meaning that you can place it anywhere on the hard drive and even on a portable device, such as a USB flash drive. The latter action enables you to use the software utility on any computer that you have access to.

Furthermore, since installation is not a prerequisite, it does not update the Windows registry with new keys, nor the Start menu.

In conclusion, seeing that you can protect folders with just a few clicks, Fake Folder Clone is an efficient and reliable piece of software. The program is lightweight and user-friendly, thus a smart choice when it comes to safeguarding sensitive information.


caue, 01 July 2018

Patched. Thks

Alex, 24 August 2017

thank you

alessandro, 19 June 2017

спасибо за патч дляFake Folder Clone

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