PC Sleep Crack + Activation Code Updated

PC Sleep is an application that lets you schedule a power management function.

The interface of the program consists of a small window in which you have limited options.

Download PC Sleep Crack

Software company
Rank 3.5
1316 3.5
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 31615
Systems Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7

So, you can select an action between log off, restart, shut down, standby and hibernate.

Furthermore, you can select the execution method - to start at a specific time or to countdown to one. Time can be set according to the hour and minute.

If you press the "Hide" button, PC Sleep minimizes to system tray. If you open the context menu, you can disable the option for PC Sleep to always be on top of other applications, as well as to display tooltips.

Once you have scheduled a task, you can check out its details on the bottom part of the screen (e.g. Log Off at 01:00:00 or restart in 00:02:48), along with the system time.

When a function is scheduled to run in less than a minute, a message pops up from the system tray that displays the counter and allows you to cancel the task.

The program takes up a very low amount of system CPU and memory and didn't freeze or crash during our tests. A brief but well-written help file is available.

Unfortunately, since PC Sleep Keygen comes with limited options, you cannot schedule a power management function for another day, set the tool to launch or close an application, switch to the 12 hour format, and so on.

All in all, PC Sleep is a straightforward program when it comes to automated shutdown, restart and the others, and we mainly recommend it to first-time users, since it doesn't come with advanced settings.


ilaria, 08 July 2018

how to use PC Sleep keygen?

Annalisa, 26 February 2018

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giorgio, 08 November 2017

muito obrigado pela keygen

Giulia, 06 October 2017

PC Sleep के सीरियल नंबर के लिए धन्यवाद

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