File Master Crack Plus Activation Code

File Master is a Java-based utility that enables you to rename multiple files in bulk and to empty folders. It features just a couple of intuitive options that should be easy to figure out even by less experienced users.

Java must be installed on the PC in order for this app to run. You can drop its files anywhere on the disk and just click the JAR file to launch File Master, as well as save it to a pen drive to directly run it on any machine. More importantly, it doesn't integrate new entries into the Windows registry.

Download File Master Crack

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Rank 3.1
874 3.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
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The UI consists of a large window that shows all available options, and lets you select multiple files at the same time to submit to the renaming task.

You can examine the full path, type and size of each file, indicate the output directory and name, use the old name and append a suffix and/or prefix, delete the original files on task completion, as well as put together a transfer report to find out the exact files included in the operation. The software tool also implements an option for compressing the files into a ZIP archive.

What's more, you can resort to a folder cleaner that gives you the possibility to delete all files with a specific format from a directory. It's possible to assign multiple extensions to take into account, as well as perform a scan job only, in order to preview the files without actually removing them.

The program worked smoothly in our tests, without causing the OS to hang, crash or prompt error dialogs. It consumed low CPU and RAM, so its impact on computer performance was barely noticeable. What's more, it renamed files and cleaned folders rapidly.

Taking into account its intuitive options, it's safe to say that File Master Keygen offers a simple and effective solution to bulk renaming files and deleting files by type in batch mode.


Manuel, 13 March 2018

working serial. thanks

Matthew, 25 April 2017

the great work

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