File Read Test Crack & Serial Key

The size of a disk drive has no saying in its capabilities of writing files. However, repetitive operations lead to damaging of the file system, which is easy to spot when file start moving or being copied a lot slower. Luckily, you can check the health status of a particular drive in a short while with the help of specialized applications like File Read Test.

In order to make the application work, you need to be sure that Java Runtime Environment is installed on your PC. This means it can be used on other operating systems apart from Windows. More than this, the application itself does not require installation, and can easily be carried around on a thumb drive to use on other computers.

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The core function is to virtually write files on the selected hard disc drive to see whether or not there are any errors. It works with both NTFS and FAT file systems, as well as fixed and removable drives, including CD/DVD drives. It’s also capable of narrowing down the process to a specified location on your computer.

The main list shows all possible drives, both fixed and removable in a table with details like name, type, capacity, and free space. It’s also the place where you make the selection, but you can only choose one drive at a time. The second section comes with a dedicated folder field where you can paste a custom location, or use the browse dialog to force the application to scan a single location.

It can take a while for the operation to finish, but this depends on the complexity, and size of the selected location. All details update in real time, and the process stops on the first read error it encounters. Sadly, there’s no option to generate a report in the end.

All things considered, we can state that File Read Test Keygen is sure to let you know whether or not there’s something wrong with a specific portion of your hard disk drive, or flash drive. However, the process is straightforward, with no options to attempt to fix any errors, or at least generate a log of events.


Fabricio, 28 December 2018

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William, 19 September 2017

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ricardo, 20 March 2017

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