Sleep Crack With Serial Key Latest

You’re not always there to power off your computer after it finishes some automated tasks, and this can come as a major disadvantage. Some programs can tackle this issue after finishing a specific task, but not all of them. As such, Sleep comes with the means to help you save power and put your PC to sleep when you’re not around.

The application comes in a lightweight package, and it takes a little while to get it installed. With the main window up, the process can be narrowed down to simply writing down a specific amount of minutes until your PC either enters sleep mode, restarts, or shuts down.

Download Sleep Crack

Software company
Rank 3.1
822 3.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6800
Systems Win XP, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit

However, it’s best to access the settings menu for a larger variety of behavior options which are sure to come in handy. For instance, you can have the monitor always turned off after 15 seconds of idle time, mute audio as well, start a specific command, or launch a program right when the PC is about to enter hibernate mode.

Apart from powering it off, the application can also be used to bring it back on. Although this is only operable for the sleep and hibernate options, it does make it possible to save some power but have the computer ready by the time you return to it.

The wake up section makes it possible to perform this operation once, or in a recurring process. Several time value fields need to be filled in, such as the exact start time and date. Repetition can be done a custom number of times in a specific interval. Moreover, a scheduler can wake up your PC every day of the week at an exact time you write down.

In conclusion, Sleep Keygen is a neat tool which enhances the use of computer power options. Given its wake up section, the application is mostly helpful for sleep and hibernate modes, letting you save some power when the PC is idle, but have it up and running when you return.


Rodrigo, 14 May 2018

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Fernando, 01 May 2018

great job guys. Sleep keygen works

Diego, 08 February 2018


Benedetta, 07 September 2017

muito obrigado pela patch

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