Application Usage Statistics Crack + Activation Code

Application Usage Statistics is a tool that monitors your activity on the computers and gathers data to compile various usage statistics involving the mouse, keyboard and running programs. It can give you an idea of how you spend time on the PC.

The setup procedure is speedy and the only notable factor about it is that you must have .NET Framework installed to be able to launch this app.

Download Application Usage Statistics Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
810 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 7024
Systems Win 2K, Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7

It's wrapped in a regular interface, made from a normal window with a tidy structure, keeping statistics organized into different panes for general, application, mouse and keyboard information.

General details focus on the start and end time of the recording, first and last activity time, duration, activity and interruptions per hour, along with the mouse and keyboard ratio.

You can also find out how much time you spend working with various programs. However, not all apps are supported, but only Microsoft Visual Studio, Reflector, Outlook, Gmail, Word Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Wikipedia, and Windows Explorer.

The utility reveals details about the total keystrokes, activity duration, keystrokes per hour, the percentage of each pressed key, along with mouse clicks, double clicks, left, right and middle clicks, mousewheel, tracks, drag tracks, distance, activity, and clicks per hour.

It's possible to select and copy text, create report text files, modify the inactivity and interruption threshold (seconds) along with the screen resolution (DPI), adjust the mouse click diameter and track width for the maps, as well as make the main window stay on top of other processes. Application Usage Statistics Keygen gets minimized to the systray to become non-intrusive while monitoring your activity.

The tool hasn't been updated for a while and remained in beta development stage. It failed to gather some information in our tests (e.g. mouse clicks, drag tracks) and used a high amount of system memory. Nevertheless, you can test Application Usage Statistics for yourself.


Luisa, 25 May 2018

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samuele, 22 April 2018

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Leo, 26 November 2017

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