File Lister Crack + License Key Download

File Lister is a lightweight and portable piece of software that you can use to create file lists, based on a user-defined directory. You can use it to organize music or movie collections, keep track of your documents, and so on.

As installation is not a requirement, you can just drop the executable file anywhere on the hard disk and run it immediately. It is also possible to save File Lister to a USB flash drive and run it on any computer effortlessly.

Download File Lister Crack

Software company
Rank 2.7
1808 2.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 19344
Systems Win All

What's important to keep in mind is that the Windows Registry section does not get entry updates, and leftovers are not kept on the hard disk after removing the program.

The tool is wrapped in a plain and simple interface, where you can select the target directory to index using the folder view. It is possible to set up a search pattern, use regex, sort results, and include subdirectories, among others. The output can be either copied to the Clipboard or saved to a plain text document.

More settings can be made from the Options panel. Therefore, you can choose the text editor and alter the default file size, date and time, attributes and hash. Options can be restored to their factory values.

File Lister Keygen uses a pretty low quantity of CPU and RAM, thus it doesn't affect the computer's performance. It lists files and subfolders rapidly, depending on the size of the containing directory. However, no errors have occurred in our tests, and the app did not hang or crash. Thanks to its intuitive layout, yet advanced options, File Lister Keygen should please the entire audience.


Umberto, 09 December 2016


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