ListDev Crack & License Key

The ListDev application was designed to be a small tool that displays the Device Driver Chain and the contents of each Device Header. Redirection to a file or the printer is allowed.


Download ListDev Crack

Software company
Rank 3.1
833 3.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6526
Systems Win All

Syntax: LISTDEV [? h p 0 1]

? or h = Display this help screen.

p = Send output to LPT1. Put this switch BEFORE /0 or /1 !

If the Device Name contains certain characters of the Extended IBM Character Set, "> PRN" will not redirect them properly.

0 = Display the ATTRIBUTE definitions only.

1 = Display the Device Driver Chain and the ATTRIBUTE definitions.


Rebecca, 29 June 2018

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jose matheus, 13 October 2017

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Mario, 09 March 2017

Thank u very much

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