ADS-Viewer Crack With License Key Latest

Alternate Data Streams (ADS) offer a possibility for the user to view invisible data. Unfortunately, these data are sometimes behind. For example Graphics can be a thumbnail with major programs is difficult

defragment. Can continue to viruses or Trojans such streams directly into hiding.

Download ADS-Viewer Crack

Software company
Rank 3.1
846 3.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 7720
Systems Win All

The ADS-Viewer Keygen application will search for such streams and display them. These can then be deleted. The core class is in the section CODING freely available. Have fun with it. But beware! Sometimes data are also important in streams stored.


Pietro, 20 August 2018

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Ramon, 16 May 2018

Are you awesome

cristian, 10 September 2017

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Gabriella, 09 December 2016

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