Intellisoft RegFind Crack With Activator

Intellisoft RegFind is a utility for searching through a win32 registry. This is the first version of the program and is meant for use with NT and other win32 platforms.

It has been tested with NT 3.5. Regfind started off as a perl utility for Windows NT but this version has rewritten in C. It has not undergone exhaustive testing and hence I would welcome any bug-reports you might have.

Download Intellisoft RegFind Crack

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Rank 2.8
900 2.8
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 7907
Systems Win All

This utility does not write to the registry and should, therefore, not cause any damage to it. Microsoft has stated over and over again that modifications to the registry can render the system unusable. Regfind does not modify the registry in any way.


João, 20 November 2017

感謝Intellisoft RegFind補丁

Rodrigo, 26 May 2017


Serena, 22 December 2016

спасибо, работает)

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