OpenExpert Crack + Keygen Download 2024

OpenExpert is a comact application that allows you to specify the applications that will be used to open a certain file type. In this way, when you open a file, instead of being restricted to using a single pre-determined application, you can easily choose among a list of suitable applications.

Easily open your graphic files in your favorite paint programs or view your HTML files in either Netscape or Internet Explorer, just with a few mouse clicks. You can even add different versions of the same program to the OpenExpert menu.

Download OpenExpert Crack

Software company
Rank 3.5
920 3.5
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 7663
Systems Win All

The screenshot below shows how it works: Right-click your file, point to "Open with" and then just click on the program which should open the file. That's how easy it is!


joao vitor, 04 September 2018

grazie mille per il patch

chiara, 13 March 2018

working serial. thanks

kelvin, 08 February 2018

спасибо за кейген, запустилось

zaqueu, 06 October 2017

working crack. thanks

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