Save My Bits Crack & Serial Key

Granted, data recovery can be an expensive issue and should not be considered a substitute for backing up your critical documents, photos and others on a regular basis. Then again, if disaster strikes, you should not fret, as there are various tools out there, like Save My Bits, that can lend a hand with retrieving data.

Following a quick and uneventful installation, you are welcomed by a splash screen that displays the primary functions. Therefore, whether you need to recover a file, partition, create a backup or safely delete your financial documents, you can do by accessing the corresponding function.

Download Save My Bits Crack

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Crack size ~ 500KB
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It is worth mentioning that the app does take some time to scan the selected volumes, particularly if it rather large, so be patient. Once the operation is over, you can select the files you need and hit the Recover button. Unfortunately, the app does not include a search button, an option that can save you some time whenever you are looking for a particular dataset.

In addition to the primary deletion function, the utility also packs tools that enable you to securely delete sensitive data from your system without having to worry that it is going to be retrieved later on with other third-party specialized tools. Depending on your intention, you can shred individual files or full partitions.

Lastly, the program comes with a defragmentation function that can aid with maintaining the overall health and speed of your computer if it is performed regularly. After a quick scan of the drive in question, you can decide whether you need to carry out a defragging or a full, MTF or quick optimization.

Regardless of whether you are dealing with virus infection, hardware failure or maybe, it was a simple mistake, it is all too expensive to lose important files. Save My Bits Keygen is an app that can help you retrieve deleted or lost data while packing a few extra tools for privacy and defragmentation.


sofia, 11 June 2018

спасибо за кейген для Save My Bits

Abdala, 17 April 2018

Save My Bits के लिए पैच के लिए धन्यवाद

Oliver, 12 April 2018

Thank you for the crack for Save My Bits

William, 04 December 2016

спасибо за кряк

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