easySync Crack With Serial Number

Some task require frequent upload or data transfer from one location to the other, and it can quickly become frustrating to manually repeat this task. Luckily, developers came out with applications like easySync, which can monitor two folders and automatically copy the content of the source to the destination.

With the main window up, all that’s left to do is start creating a task. Sure enough, most of the main window space is empty, but it’s not difficult identifying the button to add a new task, and it’s soon to get filled with a list of all items to be processed.

Download easySync Crack

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Drag and drop has no effect here, so you need to use the browse dialog in order to pick a source folder, as well as a destination. Subfolders are targeted by default, so you need to make sure only data of interest is found in the source.

Monitoring type is selected from a dedicated drop-down menu, but you have little control over the process. In other words, you can either configure the application to start tasks on startup, once every few hours, or immediately, for a one-time sync process. What’s more, a task can’t be forcefully initiated once configured.

Just in case something can go wrong in the transfer process, the application can be used to create a backup archive to a second destination. With default configurations, the backup archive automatically removes itself after a custom amount of time, which can be as long as a whole year.

You’re free to add multiple tasks, and leave them to start at the configured time. The application can be minimized to the tray area, from where you can bring it back up to change tasks, or pause all connections.

All in all, it’s always a good idea to keep an extra copy of important files and folders, and you can effortlessly achieve this with easySync Keygen. Although monitoring types, and automated backups make you feel a little limited, and there’s no option to initiate a task right away, it’s worth a try overall.


Guest, 17 May 2017

спасибо, работает)

Daniel, 18 April 2017

muito obrigado pela serial do easySync

Ademar, 04 February 2017

Thank you for the crack for easySync

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