File History Crack + Activator

The File History application was designed to be a small and simple tool for versioned backup. You select a set of files and can then save a snapshot of these files whenever you want.

A complete file history consists of only two files. One contains a link to the selected files and one contains the snapshots. A specially designed compression and binary compare algorithm are used to save the snapshots as efficient as possible. When you open a file history, all unsaved changes are marked and can be saved with a single click on the Save button.The version list can be used to go back in time. A double click on a version shows the Explorer view as it looked when the version was saved. A double click on a file opens the displayed version of the file.

Download File History Crack

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Rank 3.1
827 3.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6581
Systems Win All

When you open a file history, all unsaved changes are marked and can be saved with a single click on the Save button.

The version list can be used to go back in time. A double click on a version shows the Explorer view as it looked when the version was saved. A double click on a file opens the displayed version of the file.


Emiliano, 23 November 2017

File History के लिए पैच के लिए धन्यवाद

Brendon, 28 December 2016

cheers, thanks

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