CheckeMON Crack + Activation Code (Updated)

Performing check tests on products might just make a difference when you decide to buy something new. CheckMON is a lightweight utility that will let you know if something is wrong with a monitor by performing several test cases.

The application brings up a main window that displays a some info about you monitor and its configuration as well as the possible test cases you can run. Other than that, you can switch to the “About” tab, and it is needless to say what is found there. However, it is enough to put your monitor to the test. After all, strong essences are kept in small bottles.

Download CheckeMON Crack

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Rank 3.9
1340 3.9
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 13699
Systems Win All

Amongst the details mentioned above, you will also find ten test cases that can be performed. While hovering your cursor over each, a short description will appear at the bottom of the main window, so you know exactly what is about to happen.

Without the given info, the application would have done only half of the job, because it is a bit difficult to figure out if your monitor is in good shape once a test case is active. Don't expect any animations, because only static images are displayed, and your attention is required as well.

Once you screen is covered with gradient colors or convergence lines, it is up to you to compare the description of the test case with the image that appears on screen, and draw the conclusion. The application will only tell you what to do and it is up to you to decide on the monitor's health status.

All in all, CheckMON proves to be an extremely lightweight utility that enables you to see whether a display functions correctly or not. Get your eyes ready for the test cases will require you to do half of the job.


  • New test added: Phase


Michael, 16 January 2018

Yippee! thanks for the keygen

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