Premium Booster Crack With Activation Code

Invalid entries leave footprints on your system that may cause frequent error messages, application errors and crashes, and slow start-ups, and this is why you need dedicated tools for helping you get rid of such problems. Premium Booster is an application that is able to scan, detect and fix the problems which may be located in the Windows Registry.

It sports a modern and clean layout that makes the entire process of enhancing the productivity of your computer a piece of cake. The wizard approach and useful tips will guide you to carry out multiple tasks successfully.

Download Premium Booster Crack

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Rank 4.6
1233 4.6
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 11389
Systems Win All

You can back up the Registry files or the entire system configuration, and it is recommended to perform a back-up process, as it can help you roll back your system settings to the previous state if you happen to delete some important files.

The application provides a powerful scanning engine that can give you details about the invalid entries in your Registry, which may slow down the performance of your PC. It manages to scan the computer very quickly, and at the end of the process the program displays the problems found in your computer, as well as details about each issue and its status (high or medium priority).

It is possible to repair issues in all the categories listed (application paths, COM/ActiveX, file extensions, startup info, uninstall section) or to select the specific items from the list. The defragmentation option removes any outdated links and invalid entries which are no longer used.

Furthermore, there are some tweaking options designed to improve your Windows performance, and they can be easily enabled or disabled. Hence, you can make this tool automatically close a hung application, force Windows to unload DLLs from memory, speed up the access to AVI files, and many others.

Premium Booster Keygen can also help you prevent and fix ActiveX problems by detecting the invalid Registry keys, and by blocking the access of spyware and adware components to run their modules.

The startup manager option lists the programs that are set to automatically launch when your Windows starts up, and you can easily delete the selected programs.

Another important feature that is worth being mentioned is the built-in scheduler that can help you make the app perform regular scheduled tasks (back up, defrag, scan and fix your Registry). It also offers time estimation for completing each process.

All in all, Premium Booster is a decent tool that comes packed with many useful options when it comes to getting rid of invalid entries from the Windows Registry. Thanks to its overall simplicity, it appeals even to less experienced users.


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felipe, 28 September 2018

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