Screen Shooter Serial Key Full Version

Developed for Yahoo! Widget Engine, Screen Shooter is a lightweight and useful tool which allows you to take snapshots directly from your desktop. It can be easily installed and configured by first-time users, thanks to its WIDGET format.

The interface of the widget is based on a very small layout. From the main application window you can trigger one of the capturing methods between full screen mode, selected area, or window of the active programs.

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The output image format can be chosen between JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF and PNG. So, all you have to do is establish the output directory and filename, in order to save the respective shot.

From the 'Widget Preferences' area you can reconfigure keyboard shortcuts for focus and desktop capture, as well as modify the default picture format and adjust the JPEG quality, aside from altering the default options provided by Yahoo! Widget Engine; they revolve around the window level, mouse events, dragging and opacity.

The widget puts little strain on the computer's resources, as it uses a low amount of CPU and system memory. However, the biggest problem is that it shows the 'Save As' window (which prompts after taking a shot) in every picture when it comes to capturing the full screen, since it pops up very quickly. Unfortunately, the tool does not integrate an option to automatically save the images to a specific location, thus preventing the window from popping up.

An error occurred in our tests every time we canceled the aforementioned 'Save As' window. Additionally, Screen Shooter Keygen does not give you the possibility of including the mouse cursor in the screens. We should make a note of the fact that the widget has not been updated for a long time and this is probably due to the project discontinuance of Yahoo! Widget Engine.


Davi, 25 January 2019

grazie per il keygen per Screen Shooter

Julia, 29 April 2018

Screen Shooter کے لئے کریکر کے لئے آپ کا شکریہ

Ivan, 07 August 2017

working serial. thanks

Elisabetta, 21 May 2017

Baie dankie vir die serial Screen Shooter

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