Read-it Crack + Activator (Updated)

If you're a Reddit fan who spends way too much time on the social news aggregation site instead of working, you might be interested in a desktop client since it excludes the need of a web browser. This way, you don't have to worry about your browser crashing right when you're in the middle of reading an interesting post.

Among the many Reddit clients out there, Read-it stands out when it comes to simplicity. It's a free and open-source application that can be easily downloaded and installed, thanks to the fact that there are no complicated steps involved in the setup operation.

Download Read-it Crack

Software company
Rank 4.0
606 4.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 4850
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The interface is based on a large window that automatically loads the newest content on the Reddit front page by default. You can toggle the viewing mode between card, classic and compact, sort the posts by hot, new, controversial, top and rising, choose your location to view posts relevant to your country, as well as sort feeds by popular, all or original content.

Two themes are available for the interface: light and dark. You can also visit Reddit using the old design, log in with your Reddit account, post comments, give upvotes or downvotes, share posts or save them for later reading, or hide the posts you don't want to see.

As can be noticed, Read-it Keygen doesn't bring any new features to the table. Instead, it's a great choice for users looking for a simple and straightforward Reddit client that doesn't come bundled with complicated features. Furthermore, the software project has been recently released, so there's plenty of room for improvements. It can be easily used by anyone, even those who haven't been on Reddit too many times.

Reddit client Reddit for desktop Reddit for Windows Reddit Client Desktop Desktop client


  • Flip View
  • Fixed perf issues when swiping between posts
  • Fixed load speed and back out speed
  • Fixed post that stay "loading" forever


Fabrizio, 30 November 2018

how to use Read-it crack?

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