Snooze Tabby for Chrome Crack & Activator

We find interesting things on the Internet all the time, but we don’t always have the time to go through a web page right then and there. Bookmarking it is an option, but we usually just forget about it altogether.

Snooze Tabby is a fairly simple Chrome extension, also available for Firefox, that lets you “snooze” a tab for a certain amount of time, only to have it pop up later when you aren’t so busy anymore.

Download Snooze Tabby for Chrome Crack

Software company
Rank 4.0
613 4.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 4524
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The way the extension works is quite simple: when you’ve found an interesting web page, just click the Snooze Tabby icon in the Chrome toolbar and determine how long it should be saved for.

When the snooze timer ends, the hidden tab will pop back up in your browser, thus ensuring that you will not forget about it. And, if you’ve timed it right, you should now have the free time to actually browse the web page.

Every tab you have snoozed is saved more or less like a bookmark, the main difference being that it will be opened automatically after a specific period of time. Of course, you can also navigate through the list and either open the web pages directly or remove the bookmarks.

Initially, only a few snooze timings are included, such as "30 minutes", "this evening" or "next Monday". You can add as many new ones as you wish, but it is not possible to schedule them on specific weekdays or dates.

When it comes down to it, Snooze Tabby is a pretty simple extension that should be a good choice for users who often forget about their bookmarked websites. It can open saved web pages automatically when you have more free time, and it is very easy to use.

Snooze Tab Bookmark Tab Save Tab Snooze Tab Bookmark Chrome


LUIZ, 12 August 2018

the great work

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