SiGen Crack Full Version

SiGen, short for "signal generator", can be used together with a real-time sound analyzer to assess the acoustics of a room and perform measurements of the transfer function.

The application's main window is as simple as it gets. Focusing on functionality rather than looks, it comprises a few drop-down lists and buttons that are intuitive enough to help you understand how everything works from the first use.

Download SiGen Crack

Software company
Rank 4
638 4
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 5586
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

As mentioned above, it is best to use SiGen together with a real-time analyzer, such as MusicScope, created by the same developer. The analyzer should be capable of capturing audio data and inspect the signal's spectrum in real-time. Therefore, a signal generator and a signal analyzer build up a powerful system that can be used for acoustics study.

There are different measurement signals that SiGen can generate, namely white noise, and sine sweeps, either linear and logarithmic.

The white noise covers the whole frequency range up to half of the sample rate. The linear sine sweep has an increasing effect on the frequency, allowing for good resolution of high frequencies, whereas exponential sine sweep works around the lower frequency range. In other words, the most significant and relevant signals are available in SiGen Keygen.

SiGen can be of help if you need to evaluate the acoustics of a room, but keep in mind that it might be prone to errors due to disturbing ambient noise and a too low or too high volume level of the audio output device. The recommended level is having a difference of at most 30 dB between the largest and the smallest amplitude.

Measure acoustics Transfer function Signal generator Acoustics Noise Sine sweep White noise


Emanuele, 22 April 2018

Thanks for the serial number for SiGen

Betty, 29 March 2018

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Fabio, 20 August 2017

Tack för SiGen aktivatorn

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