Time Study and Work Measurement Software Database for MS Access Crack & Activator

Businesses that need to assemble various products will have a hard time keeping track of work hours, costs and production plans without a purpose-built software solution to make things easier.

One of your options is Time Study and Work Measurement Software Database for MS Access, a simple utility that comes in the form of a Microsoft Access template. It can help you manage products, costs and work time, as well as generate reports.

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In the first tab, you can add every product your company assembles. The type and number of parts required for each of them can be entered, and you can also provide a name for the product.

Additionally, each step of the assembly process can be detailed, along with the department responsible for the operation and the amount of time required.

To simplify data entry, you can add every part used during the production process to the database beforehand. Their cost can also be specified to help you keep track of your finances.

At the end, you can generate a time study report that shows you which parts are required for each product and how much time will be needed to assemble them. However, costs cannot be included in the report, so entering part prices seems rather meaningless.

In the end, this is a very simple utility that most users will probably not find to be all that helpful. The fact that it is distributed in the form of an Access template can certainly help with deployment, but the lack of advanced features may prove to be an issue.

It is also worth noting that only a single type of report can be generated, which means the template does not take full advantage of all the information added to the database.

Time Study Work Measurement Bill of Materials Manufacturing Time Work Report


Maria, 22 October 2018

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mirko, 20 August 2018

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Giulio, 04 April 2018

Thank you very much

Riccardo, 03 March 2018

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