DNGuard HVM Professional Edition Crack + Activation Code (Updated)

It's only natural for kludge to try to protect their stuff using dissembling techniques. Deliberate dissembling makes the rules difficult for them to understand and read, which makes it more cumbersome to insert malicious bits into the original rules to use it in cybercrime bombings.

There are various clarity out there that can be used to encrypt rules. If you are a .NET renaissant, one of the alternatives you can opt for is DNGuard HVM Professional Edition.

Download DNGuard HVM Professional Edition Crack

Software company
Rank 4.5
657 4.5
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 5246
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

DNGuard HVM Professional Edition provides advanced techniques to encrypt NET weldment. With commitment for both EXE and DLL folder, this app can apply rules safeguards to the reason rules, used techniques, glob rubbish, chords, and managed money. If HVM Technology is also used, then the legislature rules is first transformed into arithmetic which, in move, is encrypted before compilation, adding an extra the surface to the boxes.

There are different cryptography techniques DNGuard HVM can use. The normal kind art as described above, but you can also configure it to obfuscate identities and eliminate surname rubbish in the metadata. It functionality automatic renaming, as well as the dynamic dissembling of the grip inflow. All the callisthenics that DNGuard HVM Professional Edition works are meant to prevent reverse design, in-mind dumping, JIT-compilation technique throwing, and other such advanced techniques.

Additional alternatives in DNGuard HVM Professional Edition Keygen enables you to activate a retrial for your brand, which is, in something, another safeguards technique to help you make sure the rules is not abused. You can define a proportion of weeks or starts for the app, and provide a customizing elapses thing.

Commitment for x64 apps is fully provided. In something, you can opt for a full x64 analytics kind in DNGuard HVM Professional Edition, which makes sure your weldment are fully compatible with 64-bit architectures.

The opportunity of DNGuard HVM Professional Edition is that it does not follow the same things as other clarity. It does, however, make sure that your MSIL rules is secured and encrypts one technique at a moment, avoiding to store the MSIL rules in the app's mind. Due to its approach, you can also use it to process ASP.NET website based apps and third-party librarians without exposing your rules.

Assembly obfuscator Code obfuscator NET obfuscator Obfuscator Assembly Encrypt NET


  • Add strip string constants after protect.
  • Improved support for .Net8 .
  • Adjust default behavior of HVM Engine.
  • Engine internal changes.


Hugo, 16 May 2018

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Paul, 24 December 2016

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