THTMLCombobox Activation Code Full Version

THTMLCombobox is a software component that was specially crafted to help certain advanced computer users including developers and software programmers implement fully functional combo menus within their applications quickly and without breaking a sweat.

What makes this combo menu special is the fact that its texts can be formatted by using the HTML standards and it also supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags, increasing the flexibility and making it easy to use for a broader range of developers/programmers.

Download THTMLCombobox Crack

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Rank 5.0
583 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6346
Systems Win All

THTMLCombobox also provides its users with support for HTML-aware lookup and sorting and can even fashion a flat style. More so, it features support for the PictureContainer, making it possible for users to add GIF, BMP, JPEG, ICO and WMF files to the box without significant efforts.

In order to boost its overall accessibility even more, THTMLCombobox Keygen is compatible with a broad range of development environments. Some of them are Delphi 7, RAD Studio 2000, RAD Studio 2009, RAD Studio 2010, RAD Studio XE, RAD Studio XE2, RAD Studio XE3, RAD Studio XE4, RAD Studio XE5, RAD Studio 10 Seattle, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo. Therefore users don't need to make any compromise if they feel like this component can be used with a different program than what it was intended.

HTML Combobox Create Combobox Design Combobox Combobox HTML Create Design


  • New: UIStyle property for TMSStyles in TAdvProgressBar TPlannerMaskDatePicker TAdvSearchList and THTMLabel
  • New: UIStyle property for TMSStyles and button colors can be adjusted in TAdvMultiButtonEdit
  • New: TRatingCategory.OnImageIndexTRatingCategory.OffImageIndex properties added in TAdvRatingGrid
  • New: Support for high DPI in TAdvMaskEditButton and TPlannerMaskDatePicker


Caterina, 24 November 2018

Thanks for THTMLCombobox crack

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