TaskbarX Crack + Activator (Updated)

Wanting to fine-tune the appearance of your Windows desktop to meet your most demanding rigors can sometimes be a never-ending journey. Regardless if you’re an avid IT professional, gamer of just a casual user, there’s a high probability that you’ve tweaked your taskbar, at least to some extent. Well, how about having the option to center your taskbar icons or have them aligned at a certain offset from the center? This is exactly what TaskbarX will allow you to do, also throwing in some extra features, such as icon animations or taskbar style editing.

The app features a compact deployment package, which requires no installation process or initial configuration steps. Furthermore, once initialized, we found out that the program is quite memory-efficient, registering quite low consumption values, especially during idle time.

Download TaskbarX Crack

Software company
Rank 3.9
434 3.9
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 3731
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The application’s functionality relies on two main components one for initializing the taskbar icon centering and one for customizing further details. However, if all you wish is to have your icons centered on your taskbar, just running the first component will be sufficient, without the need for any additional settings.

For those who wish to dwell even deeper into the customization process, a dedicated control panel will allow access to several useful settings. This way one can choose to have the taskbar icon at an offset distance from the relative center, and the app also supports multiple taskbars.

When dealing with multiple taskbars, one can choose for the changes to be applied only to the primary one or define centering references, such as the Start menu, search, etc. Last but not least, another nifty feature will allow users to add transparency to their taskbar, blur or even a special, acrylic effect.

If you’re looking for a simple and efficient way of keeping your taskbar icons centered, and have them accessible just like from a dock, TaskbarX Keygen is more than capable to help you. Thanks to a very lightweight package and multiple options for defining the taskbar characteristics, this program is a must for those who wish to enhance their taskbar experience.


  • Fix Windows 11 22H2 Dualscreen not supported #1004


Renan, 15 July 2020

спасибо за кряк для TaskbarX

chiara, 03 July 2020

thanks for working TaskbarX patch

Christopher, 19 June 2020


Anna, 07 June 2020

salamat sa inyo para sa serial TaskbarX

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