XCopy GUI Crack Plus Serial Key

XCopy GUI is a lightweight, yet advanced utility that provides a more convenient way to copy files and folders from one location to another. As suggested by the name, the app is based on xcopy, the difference being that the latter works on console commands, whereas the program comes with an intuitive user interface.

The program includes a single interface that displays all available options. You can get started by specifying the source and destination folders as well as the scope, which means what exactly you would like to copy. Here you can choose between only the root directory, tree only with no empty folders, non-empty subdirectories, all existing subdirectories as well as all folders (no files copied).

Download XCopy GUI Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
255 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1337
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The next step entails you configure various parameters about the files to be copied. Therefore, you can choose to copy files modified after a given date, modified lately, matched files only, hidden files, archive only, rewrites read-only, archive only and clear, 8.3 names, permissions and permissions with audits.

Lastly, if necessary you can specify the path exceptions, in case there are any and hit the Start button located in the lower section of the interface to begin processing your files. You can also save the current exceptions so that you can use them with another operation later on, an option that is useful if you have a long list of file formats.

It is worth mentioning that the application integrates into the context menu and you can copy and paste any directory or file whenever your project requires it. Simply right click on any folder and you should be able to view these options. All in all, XCopy GUI Keygen provides a simpler and more convenient way to copy contents of folders from one location to the other.


Tiago, 19 June 2020

спасибі за кейген для XCopy GUI

Emiliano, 04 June 2020

Thanks for the serial number for XCopy GUI

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