Linguix for Firefox Crack With Serial Number 2024

Rush, the need to finish a task quicker or simply lack of attention, are just some of the common reasons that cause typos and grammar errors when composing e-mails, filling in forms or just posting blog comment. Running the content beforehand through a dedicated text editor for spellchecking and vocabulary tweaks is one way to fix such issues. A more efficient and also comfortable one is Linguix for Firefox.

Right after deployment, the add-on will be ready to go and if one doesn’t wish to personalize it to meet certain, personal requirements, than things are set. Toggling the add-on’s panel will bring up options for personalizing the user interaction.

Download Linguix for Firefox Crack

Software company
Rank 4.3
253 4.3
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1576
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

By indicating the main areas of interest and the supposed English language level, the users will enable the add-on will make a better and more efficient assessment of the written content and subsequent, resulting mistakes.

As soon as one starts writing, regardless if it’s a web form, email or an embedded text editor, the app will start detecting mistakes and it will underline them with red, for easy highlighting. Words who aren’t wrong but are just special terms, can be added to a personal dictionary, for future references.

It is worth mentioning thought that, during our tests, we have experienced a few seconds lag, after writing and until the app did the identification. This is most likely dependent on the cross referencing process or other working processes.

Useful Firefox add-on that will make things far easier for those who find themselves frequently making writing mistakes

Those who are looking for a browser, built-in add-on for spellchecking and grammar verification, might find a good companion in Linguix for Firefox Keygen. Its intuitive features and automatic error detection will help users improve their writing and save them from a lot of the trouble of manually checking their texts.


  • Works with firefox 48.0 and later, android 48.0 and later


Umberto, 07 July 2020

this crack works at all 100%

Douglas, 28 May 2020

спасибі за кряк для Linguix for Firefox

Enrico, 23 May 2020

terima kasih untuk nomor seri untuk Linguix for Firefox

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