Atlas Obscura Tabs Crack & License Key

Have you ever been in doubt regarding where you should go on vacation next? You probably have. Fear not, the Atlas Obscura Tabs extension for Google Chrome is here to save the day. With it, you will never have to spend hours finding a vacation spot again.

Each time you open a Chrome tab you will be greeted with a trip suggestion, each represented through a professional photo, courtesy of the various artists providing images for this extension.

Download Atlas Obscura Tabs Crack

Software company
Rank 1.0
224 1.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1293
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

At this point, the extension seems to be exclusive to Google Chrome. It is accessible through the specific Chrome store and it is a very lightweight extension. While it may be small, the idea behind it is grand and so are the pictures it brings to light.

Another cool thing about this particular extension is the fact that it promotes young photographers and artists by using their pictures within the extension. In a way, one may say the Atlas Obscura Tabs extension does two things, and it does them well.

As far as suggested locations are concerned, the idea behind the extension is to promote areas and zones less visited by regular tourists. Atlas Obscura wants to promote hidden gems from around the world.

Whether we're talking about some far unreached corner in Europe or some small, colorful city in The United States of America, the suggestions are always new and intriguing, never dull or boring.

The promoted pictures from within the extension are high-quality material. An interesting fact is that clicking on the photograph references takes you to the photographer's account and details.

In all respects, it seems like Atlas Obscura wants to promote people as much as it does interesting places around the world. As a suggestion for future updates, it would be interesting for this extension to facilitate contact with the artists behind the stunning photos.


LUIZ, 15 July 2020

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Erica, 13 July 2020

thank you

Fred, 07 July 2020

salamat sa inyo para sa serial

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