FoxClocks for Chrome Crack & Activation Code

Whenever we are on our browser, it most definitely means that we are surfing the Internet for one reason or another. Given that the Internet acts as a gateway towards material from all over the world, we may come in contact with people from across the globe as well. Because we don't all have the same timezone, it's good to remember what time it is for our friends across the seas, and an extension such as FoxClocks for Chrome can come in handy.

FoxClocks for Chrome packs a user-friendly interface that allows you to perform several actions on the go and it is possible to add multiple clocks and to set the color for each clock. There isn't a limit to how many clocks can be displayed on the bottom side of your browser, but you'll most like impose one yourself since you may want all the times to be easy to read. You can add or remove the clocks from the list and select the order in which they should appear in the main window of the app, by moving them up or down.

Download FoxClocks for Chrome Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
239 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1370
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Because FoxClocks for Chrome Keygen is tied to your browser, which is in turned connected to the Internet, the databases that power the clocks are updated continuously in case of special events, such as daylight savings time. It is possible to customize the format of the clocks in terms of hours, minutes, seconds, day, week, month, and others, and you can even choose where the clocks are displayed, how they are stylized and much more.

While the service that FoxClocks for Chrome brings may be reminiscent of what old Vista widgets used to provide, having a constant reminder of what the time is in various countries is something you should know, mainly if you frequently work with people from abroad.


Emanuela, 24 July 2020

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Anna, 17 July 2020

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Sandra, 07 June 2020

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Saverio, 31 May 2020

thanks for FoxClocks for Chrome keygen

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