Extensions switcher Crack & Serial Number

Browser extensions can be extremely useful if you want to make your daily web navigation more pleasant. Their functions are widely varied, from blocking ads to showing you pretty pictures when you open a new tab, from email management to tab volume control.

The truth is that you may need some of these add-ons, with the reality being that you probably already have too many. While Google Chrome allows you to manage your extensions with ease, there’s an even easier way to do this.

Download Extensions switcher Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
231 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1404
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Yes, the situation when you have so many extensions that you have to get another one to better manage the rest is a bit ironic. But Extensions switch is a pretty great tool that actually gives you quicker access and control over your Chrome add-ons.

After you install Extensions switch, you get a dropdown menu where not only your extensions are listed, but also hosted apps like, YouTube, Gmail and the G Suite. Here you can easily enable and disable all of these tools by just checking and unchecking boxes. This isn’t only a time saver, but also a good way to boost your browser’s performance, as we all know Chrome can get slow at times.

From the dropdown menu provided by Extensions switch you can directly access the settings of all your add-ons. The list is also customizable, but this isn’t exactly an obvious feature. More specifically, you can rearrange your extensions and apps in multiple groups.

To do this, you have to move your mouse cursor over an extension’s icon. You can then drag the extension upwards, and when you take it out of its current group, a new group will be created, which you can then rename. Even if not all of its functionalities are obvious, there’s no doubt that Extensions switcher Keygen is a very useful tool than can enhance your browsing experience.


Filippo, 19 June 2020

спасибо за кейген, запустилось

artur, 14 June 2020

Baie dankie vir die patch

patrick, 07 June 2020

спасибі за кряк для Extensions switcher

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