Clip Cat Crack Plus Activation Code

Clip Cat is a clipboard manager — it will help you extend your copy/paste abilities and will speed up your working processes by offering access to a dynamically controlled database of all elements you have copied.  

When handling task execution, most often, speed is a key factor in your overall performance. The tool will help your store multiple images and texts so you can easier manipulate the content you have to work with. The custom storing is done inside Clip Cat’s system, simply by keeping Ctrl pressed for one additional second. This will work for all types of files (pictures, texts, documents).

Download Clip Cat Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
230 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1462
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

For copying text, select the item(s), click ‘copy’, and press Ctrl for a second. The same action should be used for copying both images and texts. All the elements you copy using this method will be stored in different folders, depending on their type. Clip Cat will store, save your items, and make them available even after a restart. For example, if you close the program, all the pictures you previously copied will be available in the ‘Images’ folder inside the app. If you want to use any of the saved elements, just click on the desired element saved in the app's clipboard and paste it wherever you need to.

Clip Cat will allow for a multitude of customizations. All the texts you save are stored separately, in the ‘Text’ folder. You can copy, edit, and paste any kind of format — plain text, Markdown, XML, CSS, C#, Ruby, Python, JSON, and many others. This way of manipulating text will be really helpful for optimizing all your processes.

Additionally, the tool will give you access to a variety of shortcuts to make the most out of your skills. Besides the custom copy functionality accessible via Ctrl, you can fast access the app using Ctrl + ~. Also, all other shortcuts and global hotkeys are fully customizable.  

Another great feature of this program is the mini Clip Cat Keygen version — a small, always-on-top window, placed in the top-right corner, that will have small icons of all the elements you have saved in the clipboard for easier access.  

To summarize, the tool is an excellent addition to anyone’s system. It is easy to install, fast, has a bunch of cool features, allows you to use drag-and-drop, can edit your texts, export them in the desired format, save the pictures you copied in a clipboard database, and has fully customizable design and functionality.  Whether you are an advanced keyboard user or a casual user, Clip Cat will be a great choice for anyone who needs a good clipboard manager.


Thomas, 11 July 2020

muito obrigado pela serial

Paolo, 31 May 2020

muito obrigado pela patch

junior, 21 May 2020

you are the best

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