ToSay Crack + Activation Code Download

Communication is one of the most important elements in our lives. Whether there is something you want to buy and you need to tell the seller, or you'd like to answer someone's question, communication sits at the very base of our daily activities. Thus, not being able to communicate for whatever reason can be very difficult, because without the gift of communication we really can't make ourselves heard in the world. This is where ToSay comes in. It's an interesting application that attempts to aid those who have speech-related problems.

The application is quite basic in looks. It comes in two distinct variants, 010E and 011E. The first version deals precisely with one's need for communication. It allows users to input text and then have it read by the computer after clicking the ":-D" button. It's quite helpful, especially if you need to communicate fast but don't really want to waste a lot of time writing by hand. This works just like old phone dial pads used to. Each button acts as a front for two or three letters. Curiously enough, there's no sign of numbers.

Download ToSay Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
233 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1329
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Now the other iteration of this same application comes to the table with even more functionality. ToSay Keygen 011E allows users to use a Chrome browser for various tasks, mainly to start it and to use the search functions, check various items and to type things while browsing online. You might think this is not that useful. After all, if you have hands to type, why use this application to access a browser. Now, the interesting thing is that this program can be used with tobii Eye tracker, thus allowing those who are physically impaired to use it with their eyes only. That's some futuristic sci-fi app, no doubt.

ToSay is an application that holds a lot of potential. It could be crucial to individuals with speech or even physical disabilities. The application works very well. It's responsive and quick. While the general user may disregard this application on account of it not really offering something useful, the smaller group of people suffering from various impairments will definitely appreciate the innovation behind this program.


debora, 04 June 2020

great job guys. ToSay keygen works

Marco, 19 May 2020

hello. this crack for ToSay is working well. thanks

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