Cover Windows Crack Full Version

Working with multiple apps or having several windows opened simultaneously, be it tiled or arranged to your own, custom configuration, can sometimes require increased attention. With so many clickable areas and having the window “minimize”, “maximize” and “close” commands exposed, it’s really easy to accidentally close one window. Addressing this issue, Cover Windows was designed in order to allow users to hide custom-sized areas of their screen, thanks to a movable and resizable floating dock.

The application is provided as a portable package, meaning that users will be able to run it from a removable drive, be it a flash drive, HDD or other devices. This is ideal for those who prefer to maintain their work “on-the-fly”.

Download Cover Windows Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
247 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1417
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Aside from being compact in terms of deployment, the program is also quite lightweight on resource consumption. This might not be such a critical aspect, but, considering that you will keep the app running continuously, it is noteworthy.

For those who the app’s functionality might not become apparent at first glance, the developer has included a helpful set of instructions, right in the main interface. Basically, all you need to do is click the creation command and “hey-presto”, your cover window will appear.

Resizing the window is done just as you would do with any other interface and dragging it across the screen is a breeze, allowing you to keep it over any location you prefer.

If you wish to protect certain windows or areas of your monitor from accidental clicks or struggle with distractions when working with multiple interfaces opened simultaneously, this useful app will help you hide those unwanted areas, in just a few simple steps.


Guilherme, 07 July 2020

the great work

aurora, 03 July 2020

grazie mille per il patch del Cover Windows

Lisa, 23 June 2020

感謝Cover Windows補丁

Valeria, 19 June 2020

Thanks for the serial number for Cover Windows

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