csv2vcf Crack With Serial Key Latest 2024

There are those among us who still might be using older mobile phones and who might still be relying on classical ways of managing contact and agenda data, be it both internally and externally. One of the most common ways of storing agenda data is Excel format files, and more often than not, users who store their information that way, require a way of transferring it to their VCard-based cell phones. Build with simplicity in mind, csv2vcf will allow you to do exactly that.

The program comes wrapped into a ZIP format archive, which contains all the necessary files for running the file conversion. Although not like classical apps, this approach might at first deter novice users from tampering with it.

Download csv2vcf Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
227 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1405
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

However, this is certainly not the case and the simplicity of the working principle is sufficient enough to keep things to a bare minimum in terms of actual user interaction.

The developer was kind enough to provide a set of instructions on his website, in order to help those who might not be familiarized with such approaches or with CSV and VCard format files. Basically, one simply needs to add the contacts-bearing CSV file in the same folder as the rest of the application files.

Simply running the executable, will yield a corresponding VCF file, which will contain all the contacts that can be found in the Excel file, and their corresponding characteristics. The way the app handles each piece of information can be adjusted by opening the INI file into a basic text editor and proceeding as advised by the developer.

Try out this basic software and transfer your agenda from CSV format to VCF, for easy upload to your old mobile phone.


Alessandra, 03 July 2020

спасибі за патч для csv2vcf

vito, 27 June 2020

grazie per la patch per csv2vcf

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