Easy Random Password Generator Serial Number Full Version

If you manage multiple accounts that covers social platforms, popular websites, email clients etc. and don’t want to use the same password for all of them, Easy Random Password Generator is a simple and lightweight app that lest you customize and generate password combinations.

The interface keeps it tight, as there is only one panel that holds all options and controls that makes the process possible.

Download Easy Random Password Generator Crack

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Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1396
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Besides a short toolbar that offers some basic copy, save features, there is a preview pane that will list your combinations and the password options that can be notices on the right part of the screen.

The first in generating a password is picking the exact options you require. There are four elements able to form a combination; lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols.  By default, all options are checked but you can uncheck the ones you want to drop. For example, if you need a password to be made of lowercase and numbers only, uncheck the others and hit generate.

You can also choose the password length by dropping the combo menu with the same name. The app can generate passwords from 6 characters up to 40. If you opt for the maximum of characters, a part of the combinations will be hidden, as the UI is not re-sizeable. Make sure you copy them to the clipboard and create a safe file where you can paste them and secure them.

Easy Random Password Generator Keygen lets you create up to 50 combinations at once, even if they have 6 characters or 40. To pick the number, open the “Number of passwords” menu and set a number. Press Generate again to repopulate the list and it’s done.

In conclusion, Easy Random Password Generator is a neat app that provides you with an unlimited number of combinations ready to be used with every account or website. The process requires no technical skills in order to be successfully operated, but a backup files is definitely required to remind you what and where the passwords went.


Saverio, 07 July 2020

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edoardo, 19 June 2020

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