AlwaysOnTop Switch Crack With Serial Key

Working with multiple windows on a single screen might result in the need to keep some on top of others to smoothen the workflow. But switching between windows over and over again is both tiring and tedious so, unless the applications on the desktop have a dedicated option to stay on top of other windows, you might need to find another solution to this problem.

Windows does not come with a built-in method to keep an opened window on top. Fortunately, there are many third-party tools for this, some more simple than others. One of them is suggestively named AlwaysOnTop Switch.

Download AlwaysOnTop Switch Crack

Software company
Rank 4.0
238 4.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1407
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

This lightweight application requires no installation, it can be used on the go and serves a single purpose, namely to help you quickly modify the always-on-top configuration for any of your opened windows.

The application's main and single window comprises usage instructions and a button that can make any window stay always on top. All you have to do is select the window you want and then move to AlwaysOnTop Switch to click on the button. The window in question will then remain on top of all the other windows, refusing to move to the background even if not in focus.

Another way to use AlwaysOnTop Switch Keygen is to press the “S” key after selecting a window. The outcome is practically the same: the window in question stays on top no matter if you click on other opened applications to bring them in the foreground.

However, during our testing of the application we found that using the “S” key and not a key combination is uninspired, to say the least, if not annoying. The explanation is as follows: if you want to keep AlwaysOnTop Switch opened and need to type in text in another window, say, an editor, every time you hit the “S” key, the always-on-top function is disabled for the editor. It would be great to have a way to disable the “S” hotkey when needed or set a key combination rather than a single key.

Many applications feature built-in options that allow you to set their windows to stay always on top. This is usually the case with system tools, media players and various other programs you might need to see at all times. For the rest, there are small free tools such as AlwaysOnTop Switch to address this issue. 

While not the best application to make a window stay on top, AlwaysOnTop Switch has a small footprint and is easy to use so you might find it handy enough to keep around. 


Roberto, 27 June 2020

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Fabrizio, 23 June 2020

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anonymous, 14 June 2020

Thanks & Keep Visiting

Letizia, 19 May 2020


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