CT OEM Logo Changer Crack + Serial Number Updated

CT OEM Logo Changer is an application that can be used to change workstation information such as model and manufacturer.

As many professional users probably know by now, right-clicking “My Computer” and hitting the “Properties” option brings you to a system information screen that shows plenty of details.

Download CT OEM Logo Changer Crack

Software company
Rank 2.2
757 2.2
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 7424
Systems Win 9X

Besides the Windows Experience Index introduced by Windows Vista, this screen also shows processor information, installed memory, system type, computer name, description, workgroup and Windows version.

Well, CT OEM Logo Changer can help you change these details to whatever you like, all through a very intuitive interface.

You can for example input your very own owner, organization, computer manufacturer and model, as well as support information by simply writing down the details in the dedicated fields. What’s more, CT OEM Logo Changer Keygen lets you add a new logo, but the app only offers support for the BMP format.

CT OEM Logo Changer works okay on all Windows versions, but administrator privileges are obviously needed on Windows 7 workstations.

As a conclusion, CT OEM Logo Changer is one easy way to bring your personal touch to the Windows version running on your workstation. Basic computer knowledge should be enough to serve its purpose, but if there’s something that needs to be improved, a “revert to default” feature could really come in handy.


Valerio, 24 July 2020

grazie mille per il keygen del CT OEM Logo Changer

Giliard, 13 July 2020

Baie dankie vir die patch CT OEM Logo Changer

Giusy, 04 July 2020

Thank you very much

Aelington, 03 July 2020

salamat sa inyo para sa keygen

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