ZoneSize Crack With License Key Latest 2024

Window size is an unimportant detail, some would say, but in truth, manually sizing windows takes up more time from your day than expected, especially if you are working with dozens of processes and have a cluttered screen. ZoneSize can help you save some time by offering pre-sized templates that automatically adjust any window.

ZoneSize is portable, thus without an installation process. No additional data will be written to your drive. Additionally, you can use a removable device to carry the app around and run it each time you change computers.

Download ZoneSize Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
119 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 2771
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The app likes to reside in the system tray only, so once you don't need its services, you can shut it down or access its settings menu from the same place.

Running the app will change how dragging a window around behaves. Grabbing and moving windows will cause a grid with pre-determined sizes to appear. Drag the window over the center of a template and wait a bit in order to have it resized.

Changing the grid, adding new templates and sizes can be done by accessing the app's settings. Follow the format examples to add new zones to the grid. Furthermore, the visible grid can be made invisible by ticking the right box.

To further tailor your experience, you can determine the amount of time from hovering to resizing, ignore certain classes, and decide on what part of the window titles should be ignored.

ZoneSize Keygen is not a life-changing application, in fact, one can say that this tool is more like a letter opener used in modern days - nobody uses one but a small selection. The same rule applies here as well. Despite it being a handy tool for individuals who move tons of windows a day, ZoneSize Keygen feels just like a comfort tool for the everyday user.


Christopher, 07 October 2021

спасибі за серійник для ZoneSize

Marco, 15 August 2021

Tack för ZoneSize spricka

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