Trend Micro Check Crack + License Key Download

When browsing the web, you are bound to come across numerous types of information, and while some of them are real and genuine, others might be fake or intentionally misleading.

Trend Micro Check is a Google Chrome extension that is meant to help you identify which site should be trusted and which one shouldn't.

Download Trend Micro Check Crack

Software company
Rank 4.0
117 4.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 994
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

It needs to be mentioned right from the start that this extension requires several permissions to be enabled, otherwise it cannot accurately assess the state of the websites you are visiting.

Once this step has been completed, you can pin Trend Micro Check to the toolbar and have it within reach at all times.

Basically, you only need to visit your preferred news site, then right-click a certain paragraph that you are not convinced is true.

The extension analyzes the content and displays similar stories on other websites so you can compare them and decide if they should be trusted.

Furthermore, Trend Micro Check Keygen examines the current website and grants it a rating according to how trustworthy it is.

There are several criteria that are taken into account, such as how often they publish fake content, if they clearly label advertising, if they avoid deceptive headlines or if regularly correct or clarify errors.

Additionally, Trend Micro Check also analyzes if the current website handles the difference between opinion and news responsibly.

All in all, this Google Chrome extension can help you avoid misinformation, as well as scams and fraud by informing you when you are about to access a malicious or a known phishing site. When dealing with a news article, it can help you check facts to make sure of their accuracy.


Flavio, 16 September 2021

Thanks for the serial number for Trend Micro Check

Claudio, 12 September 2021

Tack för Trend Micro Check keygen

Ethan, 21 August 2021

спасибо за кряк для Trend Micro Check

Alessandra, 19 August 2021

Tack för Trend Micro Check seriell

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