Additor Crack + License Key Updated

Additor is a neat webpage highlighter and note organizer with tons of features and options for you to categorize and track content from around the web. It could benefit writers, developers, marketers, or any other individuals who need to store small bits of information in a pleasant and intuitive way.

Once installed, the extension will provide a color selector for any piece of text you choose. Clicking one of the colors will automatically open a small UI, right below the extension bar. From there you can send the note to the Library.

Download Additor Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
134 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 788
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The Library is the main part of the Additor app, which sports a different interface and opens up as a new tab. Here, inside the Additor's main layout, each user can save notes, create cards, invite other members to their workspace, and more.

After you're done with saving a note, you can start to enriching it.  Creating folders to keep each note separated might be a good idea too. Each note will be opened in a split-screen panel, one displaying the original webpage and the highlighted piece of text, while the other one providing you with ways of customizing the note. For example, you can add images to a note, change the text format, create image grids, and more.

To use Additor Keygen, one has to log in first, but that cannot be done by creating a new account. The only connection options are through Google, Slack, and Apple. If you already have an existing account on the mentioned platforms, you're ready to go, if not, just create one and use it to log in. Next, you can invite friends or co-workers to your Additor Keygen workspace. This can be done via email or by sending them your workspace URL. Teamwork will always be faster and yield the best results.

Additor is not just a simple Chrome extension, but an entirely new platform for you to best organize your notes and snagged information. However, some users might need a bit of time until they get around the app, due to its complexity, but the tutorial section is very comprehensive and provides both written and visual explanations.


Flavio, 23 October 2021

terima kasih untuk keygen untuk Additor

giovanni, 12 October 2021

спасибо за кейген для Additor

Gabriel, 23 September 2021

salamat sa inyo para sa keygen Additor

bernardo, 27 August 2021

thanks for working Additor patch

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