IPNeighborsView Crack With Activation Code

Devices that join your local network are detected and recognized by your Windows computer as so-called neighbors. The IP neighbors table contains information about these computers and devices, information that helps you visualize the network structure and evaluate its size. IPNeighborsView is an install-free application that can interrogate the network to retrieve details about recently connected machines in the local network.

With IPNeighborsView, you can view a complete list of devices that are identified by their unique IP address. The MAC address and the corresponding company name are also displayed for each item in the list.

Download IPNeighborsView Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
118 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 648
Systems Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The state of the device is also shown, along with the time when the interrogation was made. IPNeighborsView also reveals the name of the local adapter and the local connection name for each of the identified computers or devices. While the application shows all this information, you can choose the columns to display and resize them automatically.

The number of items is shown in the lower side of the window. You are free to select one or more items, sort them by various criteria (e.g. any of the aforementioned properties) and mark individual rows with a few clicks.

IPNeighborsView Keygen allows you to save your selection to file or copy it to the clipboard and use it as you please. Moreover, it makes it easily for you to generate a HTML report either for all the items or just for the selected ones.

With IPNeighborsView, you can view the IP neighbor table on your computer, with identification details for all the devices and computers. The data can be easily copied to the clipboard and exported to a file or included in an HTML report. IPNeighborsView is a simple, but practical tool for viewing the IP neighbor table.


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