Cold Turkey Writer Crack + Activation Code

Getting started on any project is one of the hardest steps, especially when working on a computer where there are countless distractions.

In this situation, you can try Cold Turkey Writer, a software solution created specifically for removing all temptations from your PC for a certain period of time.

Download Cold Turkey Writer Crack

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Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 766
Systems Win All

One of the most important features of this utility is its portability, the fact that you can copy it on a removable USB drive and run it whenever you need an environment free from distractions.

You can easily launch it from your computer as well, even if you did not install it first.

Once you open the main window of Cold Turkey Writer Keygen, your screen is instantly locked and you can no longer access any third-party software. This can already give you an idea of the way the tool works.

You have total control over the period of time that you are locked out of your computer - until you type a certain number of words or until a specific number of minutes passes. You can also disable the blocking behavior if you are only interested in opening a text file and modifying its contents.

Basically, the concept is pretty straightforward: you are more productive and you can focus better when you cannot waste time on distracting programs from your PC. Also, the only way to regain access to these apps is to wait until time passes or type the number of words you defined at the beginning (and since copy and paste functions are disabled, you need to actually type them, so you cannot cheat).

All in all, Cold Turkey Writer is a nifty tool for all procrastinators and those who cannot find the motivation to work on their text projects.


barbara, 21 October 2021

Working... Great... Thanks for the Cold Turkey Writer crack

Emerson, 12 October 2021

thanks admin

Olivia, 07 October 2021

Great job guys with such a nice website

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