Birds Kitchen Crack With Serial Number

If not too long ago people used to have notebooks of sorts for their food recipes, nowadays, not only can you pretty much find them everywhere on the Internet, but you also get videos and how-tos.

If, however, you're very serious about saving important recipes, then surely a good recipe organizer/manager is one of the best ways to go about it.

Download Birds Kitchen Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
112 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 756
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Birds Kitchen is a React and Electron-based, cross-platform application (works on Windows, Linux, and macOS) that allows you to save, manage, and thoroughly organize your favorite recipes.

Well, that depends. If you have just a few recipes, then the answer is probably "no." If, however, you have more than a dozen recipes, then Birds Kitchen starts to make sense.

The best aspect of Birds Kitchen is the fact that you are provided with a plethora of useful tools for organizing and finding recipes.

For example, you can search for a recipe based on its contents, you can use tags, you can add them to various categories, you can rate them, add them to a Favorites section, and even search for them via the source URL.

The app is also very good when it comes to printing your recipes. You can change the ingredients and the amounts fairly easily in order to adjust the services, and print either the original recipe or the current one.

There are three view modes: list with images, a grid view, and table view with column sorting.

The app is localized in English, French, and German, and it also boasts two GUI themes (Light and Dark). Another great feature is the fact that the app supports cloud services. This means that you can choose between saving your recipes locally or in the cloud (making it even easier to backup and restore them later).

Taking everything into account, Birds Kitchen Keygen is probably not the best recipe organizer out there. However, it's free, it's open-source, and it works on all three major OSes, something that not many apps of this sort can be praised about.

It's also a decent app in terms of features. The organization and search options are quite good, and the fact that it allows you to store recipes both locally and in the cloud is also nice.


  • fix: Fix Electron failing to launch Chromium (needed to execute puppeteer)


Bianca, 21 October 2021

thanks for the keygen for Birds Kitchen

Angelo, 12 October 2021

Birds Kitchen کے لئے پیچ کے لئے شکریہ

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