Listazo Crack With License Key 2024

While some just place their files in separate folders on their computer without even thinking about further organizing them, others prefer keeping a close track of all their multimedia files, programs and games. Listazo is one of the software tools specifically designed for the latter, allowing them to store all kinds of details about multimedia files, games, software and books.

An online catalog for movies and music 

Download Listazo Crack

Software company
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 694
Systems Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Thanks to the tab-based interface, all the data collections are one-click away. Data can be either imported from an Excel file or entered manually. There is a plethora of fields Listazo comes with and each set of fields is different depending on the category but only some of them are mandatory. You will recognize them easily, as they are highlighted in red.

Listazo keeps records about movies, various artists, movies and series, thus providing a reliable cataloging tool for media files and VHS tapes. For albums, it can remember the name and the artist who it belongs to, the serial number, the location it is stored in, the year it was released, the owner, and more. Up to four pictures can be stored for each album and IMDB data can be downloaded. All these fields can be filled in as you create new entries and the same goes for all the other categories.

Creates a virtual library for books, games and programs 

The application can also store information about games and software programs on a user’s computer. Aside from the details you would expect for these two categories, Listazo Keygen enables you to write down information about given loans.

Listazo can also work as a book catalog, keeping track of all the titles in your personal library. It remembers all kinds of details, such as the number of pages, the publisher and the name of the series, if any. Electronic books have a dedicated section.

Aside from media files, books, games and applications, Listazo can also create custom personal lists. You can add as many columns as you want and freely store any information you want.

Cataloging tool for media, games,software and books 

Working with Listazo is very easy but the interface, although accessible and well-organized, seems quite outdated. Another minus is that the data entries cannot be edited directly in the main window. But if you can get over these cons, you will find a rather good cataloging software tool. It is a good option for users on the lookout for a way to store information about their media assets, programs and books. What would make it more appealing is the possibility to add custom fields to any data set.


  • Excel import by category, Editable help, Possibility to send an error message, Upgrade to .NET 4.6.1, When editing, only the edited category is visible, Setup flat buttons, Code optimalisation


antonella, 21 August 2021

Thanks & Keep Visiting

Sergio, 13 August 2021

how to use Listazo crack?

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