Codex Serial Key Full Version

When taking notes, things are a bit different for programmers. Especially when taking computer science students into account, the widely-used note-taking apps don't much accommodate for programming languages into their text editors.

It would thus make sense why an app designed for this sole purpose — a programmer note-taking app — would be worthwhile. And Codex certainly looks the part: it's minimalist note-taking, but for programmers. And that's an interesting niche to cover.

Download Codex Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
112 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 756
Systems Win 7 64 bit, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10 64 bit

The simple idea goes like this: when you type code into, say, Google Docs or Microsoft Word, it does not get highlighted. Programming can get busy very fast, so having highlighted code contributes a lot to efficiency and even helps the user be less error-prone.

Codex is designed with that capability in mind — it is a notes app, but for the code-writers. When the user types code in the app, it is automatically highlighted so that the user has less of a chance to miss crucial details pertaining to their work.

Codex Keygen supports plenty of programming languages its users can take advantage of: from HTML, JavaScript, and C++, all the way to Swift, Lua, and others.

As such, when the user wants to write code in a certain language, all they need to do is go to the "Type" menu above the text box and pick its designation from the ample submenus.

A text box is then opened inside the main field, accompanied by the name of the programming language on the top right. That box is then supposed to only house code in that particular language. You can have multiple such boxes, each for different coding languages: for instance, one for JavaScript, one for HTML, and so on.

Codex looks like a promising and attractive code-writing tool for programmers. Its easily customizable, sleek interface, coupled with the code highlighting and variety of supported programming languages indeed make this an app worth your while.


  • Fixed a code execution vulnerability with notebook names/page names. This could only happen if you typed in a malicious name yourself or downloaded a save.json file from someone else and put it in your save directory.
  • Using a code block with the "other" language doesn't freeze the editor anymore and highlights properly
  • The code language overlay now doesn't show if there's no language/other
  • Added menu options and macros for Nim and OCaml (macros: [nim] and [ocaml])


Unknown, 30 September 2021

thanks for working Codex patch

anonymous, 12 September 2021

salamat sa inyo para sa keygen

samuel, 30 August 2021

спасибо за кряк для Codex

Mark, 27 August 2021

thanks for working Codex keygen

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