Secman Serial Number Full Version

Secman is a cool name for an application. It might not give you a hint right away about what it does, but if you take a closer look, you'll discover it has to do with security. This app helps individuals save their passwords for whatever apps or services are needed, in a secure environment. It uses a master password, so you'll always be safe knowing one single passphrase and nothing else. The application is written in Go.

The app itself doesn't sport a brand-new interface. In fact, it includes the use of CMD. In terms of looks, you can't go more basic than that, but it's a tool and with such utilities, there is no need for fancy looks. Commands include basic aspects such as login and logout, edit and clean, and more intricate actions such as creating a vault, inserting items into this newly created medium, and gen that generates passwords.

Download Secman Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
105 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 806
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

It's not difficult to understand how these functions work. If you want to insert a new password, for example, the command will look like this: "secman insert new-password". Still, when you get to more complicated commands, you can't help but feel a GUI would have been welcomed.

The best aspect about Secman Keygen is the fact that it relies on one single password to unlock your whole collection of credentials. This means you won't have to rely on sophisticated methods of authenticating a user. Support for arbitrary file encryption is also something worth taking into account. It is secure, and it provides users with peace of mind when it comes to the fear of forgetting sensitive passwords.

Secman might not look the part, it might not be as easy to control as other apps, but it's efficient and gets the job done just as you'd expect from such a product, quick and easy without confusing the user with too many features. Nice and simple always wins the race when it comes to security and protection, and Secman seems to get that.


  • Added:
  • Create --topic flag to repo list command.
  • Add new secman docker image: smcr/secman-cli.
  • Add brews in .goreleaser.


Umberto, 19 September 2021

thank you soooo much

Marco, 21 August 2021

Tack för Secman seriell

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