Ayas Locker Crack + Activation Code

Password managers come in different shapes and sizes. Usually, such an application protects one's passwords by acting as a digital safe. Provide the right combination, and access to your data will be permitted. Ayas Locker breaks this rule and offers a peculiar method of securing sensitive information, and that by creating new files called locks, which are formatted, so no other application can open them.

The looks are not Ayas Locker's strong side, that's for sure. Still, the rudimentary UI is as simple as they come. No toolbars, no drop-down menus, no settings to play with — just a plain window from where the locks are created and accessed.

Download Ayas Locker Crack

Software company
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 658
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The only brightly colored elements are represented by the few four buttons that permit a low level of lock management. More precisely, you can rename, open, delete and browse locks. The specific button might not be easy to figure out at first, but they have clear tooltips that will straighten things out.

To generate a new secured file containing your information, you have to click on Create Lock. Come up with a file name and password, then start typing away in the Confidential Data notepad.

The data is locally stored, thus the application will offer to make a new directory for all created locks. You can create as many AYAS files as you wish, and then check them out from the Ayas Locks tab. Opening such files cannot be done without their host application, so they are completely safe from prying eyes.

Ayas Locker Keygen is a basic utility that secures your files using the AES algorithm. It cannot encrypt media or office files, but it can keep any piece of text under lockdown. If you are interested in an n alternative way of protecting your passwords or thoughts behind a password, this app might be exactly what you are looking for.


mary, 11 October 2021

спасибі за патч для Ayas Locker

Paul, 02 September 2021

Ayas Locker के लिए पैच के लिए धन्यवाद

leandro, 13 August 2021

thanks a lot. it worked.

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