Enigma Crack With Serial Number Latest 2024

Considering that the world wide web is riddled with all sorts of threats, encryption becomes a critical component for maintaining digital security and privacy. Enigma is a lightweight utility designed to provide a quick and reliable way to encrypt and decrypt information that you plan to share with others via public or not to safe channels.

The application does not require installation and can be used via the graphic interface as well as CLI. In the eventuality that you prefer to use the GUI, then you should bear in mind that the tool requires your computer includes OpenGL capable hardware. As you probably hinted, the CLI version does not have any special requirements and can be accessed via Command Line or PowerShell.

Download Enigma Crack

Software company
Rank 4.6
108 4.6
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 893
Systems Win 10 64 bit

The tool supports various encryption algorithms, namely AES_GCM, ChaCha20, IDEA CBC, Twofish-GCM and TripeleDES-CBC. According to the developer, the default encryption / decryption option is AES, but you can easily change this based on your needs and preferences.

In addition to the encrypt and decrypt functionality, you will be happy to learn that the program also allows you to reduce the size of the file being processed. This can be especially useful when sharing data via email or other channels that usually have restrictions related to file size. Moreover, it can be useful if you are low on storage space locally or in the cloud.

It is worth mentioning that the application employs a SQLite3 database to save, import and export all your encryption records. At the same time, the reduction of the file size relies on Gzip compression.

All in all, Enigma Keygen seems like an easy-to-use utility that does not only support a quick and reliable encryption and decryption of files, but that can also reduce the size of the data for more convenient sharing.


  • Changed CLI option --mode,-m to --algorithm,-a
  • Fix check for updates bug reporting false new version availability
  • Proceeded Doxygen Documentation (~0.60% Documented)


cyril, 21 October 2021

how to download Enigma patch?

SILVIA, 06 October 2021

cheers, thanks

Thomas, 15 August 2021

how to download Enigma keygen?

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