Password Manager Lite Crack + Activator

If you are a regular computer user, it is most probably that you have dozens of accounts on numerous websites. Remembering them all is a hassle, especially if the passwords you are using are different and respect the recommendations of security experts. That is why using a password management tool is a must for anyone.

Unlike the popular names in this software category, Password Manager Lite provides an overly simple application to store passwords, one that you could easily place anywhere on the desktop to have one-click access to your credentials.

Download Password Manager Lite Crack

Software company
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 882
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The application is designed to help you store all the passwords and login information in a single place. In other words, it creates a password vault that you can use to store login information to various webpages.

Its small main window displays three fields that you can fill in, namely the website URL, the email you use as username and the password. These three fields form an entry and you can add as many as you want to Password Manager Lite.

Please be aware that the application cannot parse three combinations in your passwords namely #x#, *x* and @X@. An error will occur if you try to store passwords containing one of these sequences of characters.

As expected, the vault is itself password-protected. Its content is encrypted using the 3DES algorithm and stored locally in a text file.   You just have to remember a custom PIN code o access your password database. Please make sure you enter a PIN number that you can easily recall, as there is no way to recover it. Once you enter the correct PIN, you should be able to navigate through all the entries using the arrows within the main window.

The keyword to Password Manager Lite Keygen is simplicity and ease of use. It creates an encrypted database to store your passwords, protecting it with a PIN. On the downside, unlike more popular password managers out there, it does not allow you to create other types of entries, such as notes, personal information, contact lists, journal entries, and so on. However, if you are looking for a straightforward password manager, this one will do.


  • Solved bug; 'clear-clipboard-after-time' timer starts when user clicked on copy-to-clipboard icon, next to textfields, even when options is off in option-menu. Fixed.
  • Application now detects, on start, if it's outside screen boundary and puts itself back in center screen when this happens.
  • Encryption pincode now limited to 128 characters.
  • Removed option 'close on session timeout'


Christian, 12 September 2021

Thank u very much

Michael, 23 August 2021

the great work

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