Win10LockReplacement Crack + Activation Code (Updated)

Win10LockReplacement is a tool designed to provide a simple solution to changing the lock screen password on Windows 10. The utility is as simple as it gets and is essentially a small window where users can change the password for the Lock Screen without too much hassle. It is important to note that the application simply has the role of locking and does not include high security features. In fact, it is described as a non-elevated and minimally privileged logon replacement.

According to the developer, the idea behind the tool stemmed from the fact that Windows 10 default lock is quite vulnerable and hence, can be easily exploited. For instance, if someone would know your login password, then it would be easier for them to come snoop on the documents or programs opened when the main user is not around. To put it simply, in this type of case, even a simple locking mechanism with a different password could protect users from the curious average Joe.

Download Win10LockReplacement Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
123 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 745
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The app also has the advantage that it enables users to seamlessly change the logon password. The classic way entails finding the Lock screen in Settings and changing the passkey from by providing the current pin or lock along with a new version of either of them.


Nicolò, 06 October 2021

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maicon, 23 September 2021


Daniele, 27 August 2021

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