AuthPass Crack + Serial Number Download 2024

Surely you have more than one user account that you need to remember credentials for, which can be quite difficult, especially if you opt for high-security passwords. That is the main reason why a password manager comes in handy to probably anyone. AuthPass is a standalone, open-source option you can choose to keep all your passwords in a single place.

AuthPass provides full compatibility with Keepass, allowing you to open kdbx 3.x AND kdbx 4.x files stored either locally or to Dropbox, Google Drive or WebDAV. Moreover, it can download the password database from a URL. Alternatively, if you are new to KeePass, you can create a new password database from scratch.

Download AuthPass Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
138 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 893
Systems Win 2K, Win XP, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2003, Win 2008, Win 2008 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

As expected, the first thing you need to do is create a master password. For KeePass users who already know what this is all about, the application also allows browsing for a key file and loading it instead of typing in the master password.

Once logged in, you can start populating your database. All entries can be grouped into various groups and subgroups, which means you can create a real folder structure with as many levels as you require.

Each and every entry you create in AuthPass Keygen contains a title, a user and the associated password, as well as the corresponding website. These are the default fields but you can also add temporary one-time passwords and additional custom fields that you freely define.   Every field can be protected, meaning its value is not revealed unless you choose to. By default, only the password field is protected.  AuthPass Keygen entries can be attached any type of file but note that the more files you attach, the longer it takes for the application to save the database.

AuthPass can store your accounts and passwords in a secure vault that uses a biometric lock. It features native integration to Dropbox, Google Drive and WebDAV and it also features a built-in password generator to help you create the most secure login data for any account you create. Overall, it is a handy solution for keeping track of all your accounts on the web.


  • Allow customizing of search fields.
  • Support for storing attachments outside password file on AuthPass Cloud (Not enabled by default)
  • Updated all languages
  • If you find untranslated strings, help us at


Cesar, 21 October 2021

muito obrigado pela serial do AuthPass

Domenico, 11 October 2021

спасибо за кряк для AuthPass

bernardo, 04 October 2021

Tack för AuthPass lapp

Alessandra, 19 August 2021

Working... Great... Thanks for the AuthPass crack

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